Peggy Merigo Citarella

1921 - present
“I think that the older members of the club should never be forgotten. Absolutely. You know, because we worked hard to get it going. It sounds easy to say well we’ll meet here and all that but it meant getting a lot of names and interviewing people and seeing if they were interested you know even trying to offer rides if they live too far away.”

Bio Data

Place of Birth: Boston, Massachussets

Italian Heritage: Messina, Sicily; Bergamo, Lombardy; and Tuscany

Significant Life / Work Experience: Attended Raytheon Trade School and the first female welder and instructor at the Charlestown Navy Yard during WWII

History with VICA: Founding Board Member, Italian Teacher, and starred as La Befana during the Epifania celebration

Interview - 1/13/17

Interviewee: Peggy Citarella

Interviewers: Nicole Librandi, Robbe Brook, and David Usher


What brought you to Vermont?

How and when did you originally find the Vermont Italian Cultural Association (VICA)?

What were the early years of VICA like?

Who do you remember best from the early years?

What activities and events do you remember?

What are your fondest memories of VICA?

Did you enjoy being a member?

How would you connect your family story with Italy and VICA?

Is there anything else that you would like to tell us about your connections with VICA?


Peggy The Welder - Presentation with Julia Wagner – 4/21/2018

Articles on Interview and Presentations